INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Antonio Nassar

LECTURE: MTWRF (8:30 - 9:20) at PAB 1-425 Session A: June 26th - August 4th.


OFFICE HOURS: Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays 9:30-10:15. If I happen to have a large number of students during my office hours, then the office hours will be scheduled in our classroom.



Jian Wang

Office hours: TBA

TR 9:30-10:20    
PAB 1-425
  Students from A-L
Valentin Slepukhin

Office hours: TBA

TR 9:30-10:20     
PAB 1-434A
 Students from M-Z

TEXT: The textbook for this course is Physics for Scientists and Engineers with Modern Physics (by Giancoli - 4th Ed).

TOPICS: Vectors, One- and Two-dimensional Kinematics, Newton's Laws of Motion, Circular Motion, Work and Energy, Momentum and Collisions, Rotational Motion, Static Equilibrium, Examples of mechanical biological systems.

EXAMS: Click for further info.

GRADING POLICY: Each midterm is worth 15% and the final is worth 45% of the total grade. The laboratory is worth 15% and the problem sets are worth 10% of the total grade. For each problem set set, two of the problems will be graded. You are encouraged strongly to work together on problems, and to make use of tutoring programs, TA center, etc. On exams, all work is to be independent. The class average or median will be graded as a B/B-. No letter grades will be assigned to midterms.

INCOMPLETES: In accordance with University and departmental policy, the grade of "Incomplete" (I) will be assigned only if all of the following conditions are met:
a) There is a good reason beyond the student's control for not having completed the coursework on time (a heavy workload is not considered sufficient reason).
b) Early prior consent of the instructor has been obtained by the student.
c) The completed portion of the work is sufficient in quality and quantity to merit a grade of "C" or better for the period up to the time of the circumstance that justifies the Incomplete.
d) A written plan to complete the coursework must be signed by the student and the instructor and filed in the Physics Undergraduate Office. Students who cannot complete the work of the course and who do not meet these qualifications for the grade of Incomplete should seriously consider dropping the course.

HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENTS: Click here for updated due dates.